Voss, Andreas (NL)

Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre


In 2003, Professor Andreas Voss became the first professor of infection prevention in the Netherlands. His research focuses on improving infection prevention and hygiene in hospitals. He specializes in the epidemiology and prevention of multi-resistant hospital bacteria, such as MRSA, VRE, ESBL en CPE. He is particularly interested in hand hygiene, especially in replacing hand washing and introducing bedside disinfection of the hands.

Voss wishes to show to the new generation of doctors and nurses that infection prevention has a major impact on the quality of health care. Patient care and education, therefore, are his priorities. He closely collaborates with other departments within the Radboud university medical center and with other national and international working groups/societies. His is presently chair on WIP’s expert group on infection control in nursing homes.