Anne-Gaëlle Venier

Anne-Gaëlle Venier is a medical doctor. She has specialized in Public Health and infection control. She completed a PhD focused on risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquisition (University of  Bordeaux, France). She works in the healthcare-associated infection control centre of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Cpias Nouvelle-Aquitaine) which is based at the Bordeaux university hospital, France.

She’s an expert of complex infection control situations, root cause analysis and innovative learning. Her work focuses on implementing, embedding and sustaining behavioural change in infection prevention practice. She provides support and expertise to the regional Infection control teams, creates and promotes risk analysis tools and innovating tools for better practices.

Her current research is on measuring the impact of gamification on infection control learnings and attitudes. She’s particularly interested in education, environmental hygiene, quality improvement, patient and clinical staff empowerment. Since 2018 Anne-Gaëlle Venier has been the medical coordinator of the French national mission « Soutien aux actions de prévention: évaluation, formation, communication, documentation » (MATIS) which is a scientific and technical support mission which creates evaluation, training, and communication tools for infection control teams and healthcare workers and also ensures a free and easy access to the existing recommendations, legal documents and tools for HAI and antimicrobial resistance prevention.