Scientific Programme


View the ICPIC 2013 interactive programme and create your own personal agenda and abstract book.
Follow this link to view and search information in the scientific programme and create your personal agenda for your attendance at the meeting.


The programme includes keynote lectures, invited lectures, interactive sessions, meet-the-expert workshops, oral sessions, pro-con debates, and poster presentations. Specific tracks are dedicated to infection control in critical care patients, neonates and paediatric patients, long-term care, antimicrobial use, resistance, and stewardship, and patient safety and infection control in countries with limited resources.

The official language is English. Simultaneous interpretation into French will be provided for dedicated sessions.

SPECIAL EVENTS – The I-World in Infection Control

INNOVATION Academy (2nd edition)

Selecting the best innovations helping to control antimicrobial resistance and/or healthcare-associated infections

Antimicrobial Resistance and Control (ARIC) journal video award for the best short clip promoting healthcare-associated infection prevention, control of antimicrobial use, or antimicrobial stewardship in its broadest sense

IMPLEMENTATION Academy (1st edition)
Featuring the best implementation success stories,

the highest impact papers of the past 2 years

ICAN*/ RIPAQS** developing country sessions

personal experience of colleagues as patients and/or authors of landmark papers (I as …)

ICPIC Library
Collection of non-scientific books or art written and created by well-known colleagues and friends

* Infection Control Africa Network (ICAN)    ** Réseau International pour la Planification et l’Amélioration de la Qualité et de la Sécurité dans les Systèmes de Santé en Afrique (RIPAQS)

Programme as at 21-5-2013


Programme special RIPAQS-ICPIC 2013

Dans le cadre de la conférence ICPIC 2013 et en collaboration avec le RIPAQS – Réseau International pour la Planification et l’Amélioration de la Qualité et de la Sécurité dans les Systèmes de Santé en Afrique un programme spécial a été établi autour du sujet « Sécurité des patients, gestion des risques et vigilances sanitaires en milieux de soins dans un contexte de VIH/SIDA en Afrique »

RIPAQS-ICPIC livre des abstracts

RIPAQS-ICPIC programme final